A spicy evening with Provolone Valpadana Dop
For a spicy evening that just thinking about it makes you blush, ideas from Provolone Valpadana Are you planning a romantic dinner that will literally leave you speechless?
Remove the nerves and fatty parts of the meat, cut it into thin sides with a cutting machine.
Place them on a bandage, taking care that they do not fall apart, cover them with transparent film and place them in the coldest part of the fridge for approximately 30 minutes.
Wash and dry the rocket and place it in the jar of an immersion blender.
Add the almendras, a little salt and spices and extra virgin olive oil.
Make sure you get a creamy and homogeneous sauce.
Remove the carpaccio from the fridge and distribute it on individual plates.
Add the rabanos well washed, dried and cut with the mandolin and spread with the spicy Provolone Valpadana DOP on the peels.
Toss with the rúcula pesto and serve.
For a spicy evening that just thinking about it makes you blush, ideas from Provolone Valpadana Are you planning a romantic dinner that will literally leave you speechless?
For a romantic evening, hard to forget: the sweet advice of Provolone Valpadana Many people say it and it is probably true, to make yourself even more
Five most read autumn recipes on the Provolone Valpadana DOP website Autumn is coming. Everything around you is changing: the leaves are turning orange, the
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Tel. +39 0372 30598
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